5 windows, 5 paintings, 5 bouquets of love and memory
"Those we have loved deeply live within us, not only as memories but as true presences." Henri Nouwen
In 2025, an unexpected journey brings Flores to life—a heartfelt tribute to the late Brazilian artist Thereza Stabel. This exhibition wasn’t planned; it came together organically through love, chance, and a shared admiration for Thereza’s work. Featuring five of her stunning flower paintings, Flores celebrates her timeless elegance and the deep emotion that defined her art and life.
The story begins after Thereza’s passing in October 2023. Her husband, Jose Carlos, gathered some 80 paintings from her studio and lovingly distributed them to family and friends worldwide—in Brazil, Portugal, Canada, the USA, and Denmark.
Some of these paintings found its way to her grandkids in Denmark and eventually in the hands of Anastasia Lodde, the artist who helped carefully stretch the canvases in her studio.
It was in then and there, that the paintings caught the attention of the artist and Gadens Gallery curator - Søren Tougaard, who was captivated by the art and offered to host this special exhibition.
What started as a spontaneous moment has become a tribute to Thereza’s enduring legacy. Her work continues to inspire, connect, and bring joy to those who encounter it.
Flores is more than an art exhibition; it’s a celebration of Thereza’s life and the relationships she nurtured. Through her work, she reminds us of the beauty in connection, the power of memory, and the art of cherishing life’s fleeting moments.